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时间:2014-05-26 17:25来源:乐学啦点击:字体:[ ]
The Life in Fudan
     Fudan University is claimed to position the third in China.Given a chance to study in Fudan as an exchange student for one semester, I carried my luggage with excitement and aspired to having a fruitful semester in Fudan.
     But when I reached the campus, I was shocked by the first sight of my room.
     The room is shared by six students with only two tables and without any air-conditioning system.  The toilet is unbearably dirty, with flies and mosquitoes, germs and bacteria. The most unbelievable thing is that all students in a hostel share one bath room and all of us have to wash our clothes by ourselves.What's more, there is no access to the Internet and not any TV in our dormitory.
     By then, I realized how fortunate I was being a Hong Kong student.
     Instead of complaining, I was simply confused about the way students adapt their lives to such an environment.  I doubt my ability of adaptation as I am the kind of students, who are easily succumbing to and beaten by difficulties.
      But after living with my classmates a few weeks, I am proud that I gradually get used to the life here and consider the poor environment as a challenge to me. In fact, no students in the faculty are immune from the kind of life here. Those who are younger than me can live happily here, so can I. They can concentrate on their studies here, why can't I? There are no clean toilets, no washing machines and no air-conditioning system, but at least I have electricity and fans to stay cool; I have water and hands to wash clothes, which is already enough.
     If I had lived in hostel where we have a separate bathroom for each room, I would not have had the chance to build up relationship between students from different rooms in times of washing clothes and taking shower. The life here is a unique experience.
     In addition, the most precious lesson I learn from students here is their attitudes of studying. They are so devoted and industrious that they get up so early in the morning, queuing for a seat in the library or studying in classroom till late at night.Students are determined to achieve their far-sighted target, like continuing their studies as postgraduates. Besides, the students here possess knowledge of different areas instead of simply focusing on one specific area.
     Studying and living with them is a priceless and inspiring lesson to me, a surprise to me that causes me to treasure the things I have, even some minor things which I took it for granted. I am sure that the coming year will be a fruitful one.

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