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Wish You were Here

时间:2015-04-28 08:35来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
There were teabags all over the table锛嶪 didn't have anything else that would have done the job锛嶪 don't wear hats锛嶰n the back of our wedding photo I had listed the names of places all around England and the world锛嶦dinburgh, New York, Brighton锛嶱aris, Sydney, London and many others锛嶵aking a pair of nail scissors, I had cut up all of the names into tiny pieces until there were more than 20 slivers of our wedding day in front of me锛嶪 scraped all of them off the table and into the empty teabag box锛嶪 shock the box about a bit and closed my eyes锛嶏紞don't ask me why锛嶏紞and picked out a sharp slice of photo锛嶪 looked at the picture side first锛嶢 bit of white puffy meringue wedding dress was evident, but nothing else锛嶪'm surprised there was room in any of the pictures for Neil锛?


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