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Jun 21st, 1999
Dear Sir,
I am Wang Jun xia, a 21 year old junior majoring in Computer Science at Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an, China. Next summer I will graduate. I wish to go to the United States for further studies in my major because I see this field as a great potential for my country and me. Therefore, I am seeking chance to develop this potential in your school.
Three reasons can explain my choice. Firstly, it is vital for me to get an advanced education or training in my major. I will acquire practical field experience, and upgrade knowledge not available hereg SecondlymI will learn a new language with which I can refer to technical literature(专业技术文献). Thirdly, I will know a new culture, understand its people and society. By seeing the world, I will widen my horizons(开阔视野).
I believe, your school will help shape my future career, I am requesting your help as well as information. Please review my history of education and let me know if I can have such a chance. If you consider me a viable candidate(合适的人选) for your graduate (研究生) program, please send me the appropriate forms to apply for admission (录取). I will appreciate (感谢) any kindness you reply at your earliest convenience.
Yours faithfully,
Wang Jun xia
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