In the zoo_作文600字
nancy went to the zoo yesterday. after she entered the zoo, she saw some pandas. she was very happy. then she saw some sheep which were next to the pandas. she saw some horses, too. she bought some books in the bookshop. then she saw some dogs, ducks, cats and cows.of course, she saw some giraffes. she was a bit tired and thersty, she ate an ice cream. then she went to see the snakes, they are very long. she visited the bears room ,they are so funny. then she went to the parrots room, she spoke to a parrot. she saw some so lovely frogs, strong lions and tigers. spiders are very ugly, she don't like spiders. but she like rabbits, it's smart. then she saw some hippoes, crocodiles, sharkes and whales, it's very big. but dolphins is small and active, she likes dolphins,too.
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