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如何进行信件分类-How to Sort Letters

时间:2015-03-23 08:54来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
 How to Sort Letters
     First of all, letters and packets are collected in bags from pillar boxes, post offices and firms, in post office vans. They are then taken to the sorting office, where the bags are emptied and the letters separated from the packets. Following this step, the letters are put through machines so that the stamps can be cancelled (盖销). In this process the date and place of sorting are put over the stamps on each envelop. In the next stage, the sorting of the letters takes place, according to the
country they are addressed to. This is done by placing them in the appropriate pigeon hole (鸽笼式分类架). Sebsequently, the letters are taken from the pigeon hole and placed in baskets,which are then put onto a conveyor belt.  While on this conveyor belt, the baskets are directed to the appropriate secondary sorting section by means of coding pegs. At the secondary sorting frames, the letters are put into towns in the country Later, the letters are tied in bundles and a label is put on showing the towns they are addressed to. Finally, the letter bundles are placed in bags, which have the post office seal,post office railway number and destination code number on them, and then these are sent to the railway station.

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