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改写:路遇-Meeting on the Road

时间:2015-03-20 08:53来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
Meeting on the Road
Peter and John are classmates. One day, they met on their way home after school. Peter asked John what was wrong with him because John looked a little pale. John told him that he didn't feel well because he had a cold and a slight fever. Peter asked John if he had seen the doctor. John said that he had and the doctor had given him some medicine and asked him to take a rest. Peter advised John to stay in bed for some time and to take good care of himself. John thanked him and asked him to tell the teacher that he wanted to ask for a day's sick leave.
Meeting on the Road
Peter: What's wrong with you? You look a little pale.
John: I don't feel very well.
Peter: I'm sorry to hear that. I hope it's nothing serious.
John: No, it's just a cold, but I'm running a slight fever.
Peter: Have you seen the doctor?
John: Yes. I've already been to the clinic. The doctor told me to take some medicine and to have a good rest.
Peter: Well, you'd better lie in bed for some time and take good care of yourself.
John: Thanks. I'll do that. By the way, would you please tell the teacher that I want to ask for a day's sick leave?
Peter: All right. I will.
John: Thank you. Bye-bye.
Peter: Bye-bye.
在把记叙文改写成对话的时候,要把间接引语变成直接引语,过去时态变成现在时态,第三人称代词变成第二或第一人称代词,正式文体变成非正式文体的缩约式如“I'm sorry”等。还可根据行文的需要增加一些套语,如“All right”,“Thank you”,“Bye-bye”

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