成功的婚姻-Successful Marriage
Successful Marriage
Successful marriage is the most effective form of social support. It relieves the effects of stress, and leads to better mental and physical health. Husbands seem to benefit much more from marriage then wives do. Married women are in better physical and mental health, and are happier than single women, but these effects are nearly twice as great for men. Various explanations have been considered, but the most plau sible is that wives provide more social support than husbands. Perhaps men need it more?
They are more exposed to stresses at work, and have worse health and die earlier then women. In addition, when women get married, their way of life is subject to much greater change and this often leads to boring and isolated work in the home for which they are ill-prepared. Despite the benefits of marriage women find it stressful and in better shape if they
also have jobs, their earnings and status increase their power in the home, and they may also get social support at work.
Successful marriage is the most effective form of social support. It relieves the effects of stress, and leads to better mental and physical health. Husbands seem to benefit much more from marriage then wives do. Married women are in better physical and mental health, and are happier than single women, but these effects are nearly twice as great for men. Various explanations have been considered, but the most plau sible is that wives provide more social support than husbands. Perhaps men need it more?
They are more exposed to stresses at work, and have worse health and die earlier then women. In addition, when women get married, their way of life is subject to much greater change and this often leads to boring and isolated work in the home for which they are ill-prepared. Despite the benefits of marriage women find it stressful and in better shape if they
also have jobs, their earnings and status increase their power in the home, and they may also get social support at work.
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