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my household,my household范文

时间:2015-02-09 09:43来源:好学堂点击:字体:[ ]
my household由英语作文网整理收集 英语作文网

材料: 我家有五口人 姥姥,姥爷,爸爸,妈妈,和我,我的妈妈是老师, 爸爸是医生,他们工作很忙,平时就我和姥姥,姥爷在家,他们和疼爱我,我很爱这个家。

There are five people in my house: grandma,grandpa,father,mother and me.My mother is a teacher,father is a doctor.They are both busy working. Usually, only my grandma, grandpa and I at home.They all love me very much. I am very fond of this home.

my household由英语作文网整理收集 英语作文网

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