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A Spring Morning

时间:2014-12-24 10:26来源:好学堂点击:字体:[ ]
     It was early in the morning. I was walking along a pebble path, enjoying the unique tranquility and freshness of the early spring. The path was surrounded by a fresh meadow with some bright scattered primroses. Dew glittered upon the grass and the aroma of the soil pervaded the air. Among the grasses, primroses danced with the beat of wind while the gentle caresses of the sun deepened their blush. Looking forward, we could see trees stretching their branches, which scrambled to get more sunlight.With a gust of wind, they waved their arms elegantly and whispered to each other. As I looked up at a branch, I was surprised to find a bird nest there and heard the timid new born creatures' calling. They must be curious about the world around them and wondered where they came from, I surmised.
     As I walked, I heard the talk of the wind and smelt the freshness of the air.  With the coming of spring, tender leaves and newly sprouted buds unfolded. Flowers were in their full bloom and canopies began to darken. Nature showed me a world of new beginning and new hope, and a feeling arose inside me.

简  评
    作者为我们展示的春的世界中有花,有草,有露珠,有树枝,有泥土,还有鸟巢;有风声和幼鸟的鸣叫声。本文的一大特色是作者多处恰到好处地运用了拟人手法,如primroses danced with the beat Of wind while the gentle caresses of the sun deepened their blusMthey waved their arms elegantly and whispered to each other;the talk of the wind,使这些原本没有生命的东西在作者笔下都生动起来。
    但最后一句意义含糊不清:a feeling arose inside me指什么感觉?最好能直接地抒发自己的感情,通过写景来抒情,这样的描写文才有高度,有深度。

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