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时间:2014-10-28 09:54来源:网络收集点击:字体:[ ]

To Be a small Fish in a Big Pond or a Big Fish in a Small Pond?
Just as there are
distinct differences between being a small fish is a big pond and a big fish in a small pond, so it is with working as a subordinate in a large enterprise and presiding in a small firm.
With the former, you can derive a deep sense of satisfaction from being a member of a well-known organization such as General Motors, or the Bell Telephone System. You have the opportunities of learning from experienced executives and knowing about the standard working process.
With the latter, you have greater responsibilities and your decision may bring immediate effect. Normally you are expose to various experiences and expected to do a great many thing without much help or guidance.
Personally I prefer to work in a small enterprise, where my prospect of promotion is good as long as I work hard. To tell the truth , I’d rather become a well-known and important figure within my own small pond.


