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时间:2014-08-28 09:46来源:乐学点击:字体:[ ]
Diffenent Sounces of Income Between Chinese and Amenican Students()

    These two pie charts show the difference in the sources of income between Chinese and American students. We can see that Chinese students get 90 percent of their income from their parents, however, American students get only 50 percent from their parents. Besides, Chinese students get only 5 percent of their income from doing part time jobs and another 5 percent from scholarships while money from part time jobs and scholarships for American students amount to 35 and 15 percent respectively.
    From the above analysis, we can easily come to the following three conclusions. The first conclusion is that Chinese parents like to take more care of their children. They'd rather work harder and live thriftily in order to provide their children with everything they need. American parents, on the other hand, like to pay more attention to the development of their children's ability to be independent. They'd rather encourage their children to support themselves. The second conclusion is that Chinese students are more dependent on their parents whereas American students are more dependent on themselves. Lastly, there are fewer people in America, so it is easier for students to findapart time job. However, in China, such chances are rare since we have so many people looking for jobs.


