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我对计划生育的看法(My idea of Family Planning)

时间:2014-07-28 16:21来源:好学堂点击:字体:[ ]

  family planning is the most effective way to solve the population problem, the seriousness of which we often underestimate. quite obviously family planning has so far macle little progress. at a time when half of the world is suffering from starvation, poor health and a badly iow standard of living, we simply cannot take lightly the population problem. if we don't control the birth rate right now we'll surely lead a miserable life in the near future.llliteracy is perhaps the main enemy of family planning.countries, which share the highest birth rate such as brazil and india, are also those which share the highest illiteracy rate. people there don't even know what "birth control" is.

  to me, the ignorance of family planning is a social problem. so we had better begin with social reforms through,say, legislation, etc. of course, we cannot deny the necessity of the medical approach and we should use it in conjunction with other methods. the answer to the question whether man can survive one of the crises of the 21st century, namely population, is in our hands.


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