Writing for an American Academic Audience
State Your Thesis
American academic essays are usually "thesis-driven." This means that you as the writer must explain the main point of your essay at the start. A thesis statement is a sentence or two that
(1) shows the purpose of the essay
(2) indicates the basic components of the essay
(3) offers the unique perspective of the writer
The thesis-driven essay may be different from non-American writing forms, in which the thesis is often implied, delayed, or delivered at the end of the essay. Consider the thesis statement a concise version of the entire essay, which usually appears in the introductory section of an essay.
Here’s an example of a thesis for an informative essay:
The experiment failed because of the presence of helium in the vat; the helium tainted the purity of the environment and caused the data to be irrevocably skewed.
**Notice that this thesis is short but reveals the most important ideas.**
Here’s an example of a thesis for an argument essay:
Purdue University should offer more scholarships to international students because they have a greater desire to succeed in college, tend to work harder, and graduate more quickly and with greater frequency than American students.
This type of thesis usually states the primary goal of the argument and then indicates the reasons or points you will make in the essay to support the argument. Subsequently, every assertion that you make afterward must be related to the thesis statement. The rest of the essay must clarify or support your thesis.
Use Linear Structure
Once the thesis statement is established, the rest of the essay must "flow." How does this happen? It helps if you create an outline of the paper. The most rudimentary structure for an academic essay, the 5-part essay, is as follows:
Part 1. Introduction, followed by the thesis (3 points to be made)
Part 2. Point 1.
Part 3. Point 2.
Part 4. Point 3.
Part 5. Conclusion
Additionally, argument essays tend to include a section of informative background data on the topic, plus a section citing and refuting possible objections to the argument.
Use Transitions
Connect the different sections of your paper with transitions. Transitions are words (like however, therefore, additionally, thus, and also) or phrases (like for example, on the other hand, and in conclusion) that show a link between a paragraph and the one that precedes it. You usually put a transition at the beginning of the paragraph to connect it to the previous one. One very useful way to create a transition sentence is to identify a key word or phrase in the previous sentence and repeat it in your transition sentence.
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