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时间:2014-04-04 08:38来源:乐学点击:字体:[ ]
Joy and Sorrow
    In our life, joy and sorrow are like shadows that follow and accompany us. Sometimes we are in joy. Sometimes we are in sorrow. At times we cannot tell joy from sorrow.
    What is joy? In the eternal nature, joy is a driving power, which pushes the world forward. A joyful person has a sound mind and lives a harmonious life. He takes part in beneficial aetlvtties and shares the joy with bis partners in the canse. It can be said that the joyful person is satisfied from being kind to others.
    Sorrow is often self-sought. The desire for power adds to one's sorrow. The desire for power goes parallel with the desire for fame. When the desire for power and fame is out of balance with reality, it becomes the root of sorrow.
    Besides, envy, revenge and vanity are also the source of sorrow. The three evils exist in man's imagination. People suffer from them unsconscionsly. To be happy one must get rid of sorrow led by desire and imagination.


