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你喜欢什么?(What Do You Like?)

时间:2013-08-22 09:06来源:中小课堂点击:字体:[ ]

  你喜欢什么?(what do you like?)

  different people like different things. some of them like doing sports, some of them like listening to music and some of them like playing computer games.

  different people like different food. some people like eating fish and meat, and some people like eating vegetables and fruit. but some people don't like vegetables and meat at all. they like hamburgers. the children all like snacks, sweets and cakes.

  different people like different lifestyles. some people in the western countries like eating bread and drinking milk for breakfast, but some people in the eastern countries like eating rice and eggs for breakfast. in the western countries, many people like sports.

  they often play football and basketball. but in the eastern countries, many people don’t like them. everyone is different, so what do you like?


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