学校禁止电子游戏(school bans electronic games)
the school board decided monday to ban the games at florence rideout elementary school after listening to parents. the board says the rule will be put into the student handbook while a policy is developed.
"they should be encouraged to go out and play, not huddle around a game thing," said lisa lewis, a parent.principal edmund heffernan said the problem has increased in the last year and a half and involves a small group of older students who "don't like to run around."other elementary schools in the area also ban the games for a variety of reasons. some school officials say the games are a distraction and can lead to fights at recess. others say theft is a concern since elementary students can't lock their lockers.
"they are distractions at recess, in terms of kids wanting to play with them, which leads to altercations," said peter bonaccorsi, principal of milford elementary school.
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