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分配时间(Time Allocation)

时间:2013-01-03 11:01来源:好好学习点击:字体:[ ]

  maybe you always ask "how can i get more and more time?" now, i can tell you a story.once upon a time, there were many people in a village which named "gold time". and there was an old man in the village.villagers called him "time man". because he could "move"time to a lot of places.

  sometimes he "moved" it to the top of the desk. sometimes he "moved" it to the playground. there were many people on the playground. some did exercises. some played football. and he "moved" it to people's home. they were having a birthday party. and the other people were cooking.in spite of this, many people still said,"i haven't got enough time! time man, give me enough time!" time man was very

  angry. he couldn't bear it. then, he killed himself. it was 12:00 p.m. so now we have 24 hours a day.if you think time is not enough. you must hurry up to do every thing quickly. and don't waste time. if you can do every thing well, i think you must be best.do you know? mr. lu said, "we only can get 24 hours one day. it brings somebody gold. and it also gives somebody lazy and unhappy.i only want tell you,"don't waste time."


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