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今天我看见了蝴蝶(Today I Saw a Butterfly)

时间:2012-12-05 10:57来源:中小作文点击:字体:[ ]

  as it floated in the air;

  its wings were spread in splendor,

  unaware that i was there.

  it was such a thing of beauty,

  it was a sight to see;

  it was the perfect masterpiece,

  full of grace and majesty.

  i found myself thinking,

  to what can this compare?

  and then, of course, i thought of you,

  and i wished that you were there.

  god sure was extra careful,

  when he formed and fashioned you;

  you too, became a masterpiece,

  yet god is still not through.

  he's daily making changes,

  that other folks can't see;

  you're already true perfection,

  at least you are to me.

  ~ author unknown ~


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