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公共场所安全问题(Security issues in public places)

时间:2012-11-27 10:32来源:自学习点击:字体:[ ]

  it is now nearly commonplace to hear and read of the devastating electronic cafe violence while the drink-fulled violence has became a national epidemic. growing attention are being focused on the emerging and known security problems in public places.

  there are a variety of factors triggering incidents in public locations. their negative impact is the last thing we can underestimate. the alcohol-related violence disrupts public order and may cause irreversible physical and mental damage to victims. illegal gatherings and protests present a serious challenge to the social safety and stability. moreover, a flood of crimes in public areas also constitute a huge threat to the society.

  net cafes, bars and railway stations are the crime-torn places, so more police must be dispatched to these priority areas. a series of crime prevention measures must be taken to guarantee public safety, especially in these crime-prone areas. let's make the public places crime-free through our long-term unremitting efforts.


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