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当老师的好处(Advantages of Being a Teacher)

时间:2012-10-16 09:13来源:作文大全点击:字体:[ ]

  for one thing, i consider myself not only a teacher, but also a learner. being a teacher allows me, in fact forces me, to be a learner. first, i must prepare all that i will teach, during which process i myself learn a lot. secondly, i must find ways of helping my students to understand their assignments.thirdly, i must then try to understand and respond in a helpful way to my students' ideas. fourthly, i must force myself to be creative, because if i deliver a boring lesson, my students will feel bored. and to be creative, i must learn more.

  moreover, a teacher's job is not (and does not need to be) a routine. if you find yourself bored with doing the same thing over and over again, you have only yourself to blame.this is because a teacher has a great deal more independence and control over what he does than many other professionals do.also, you may find teaching a "people job." it involves interacting with students and helping them to interaet with each other. a good teacher will make his ideas alive, and will awaken idea in the ininds of his students, in the process, he will benefit by getting to know his stttitents and their ways of thinking.

  in sum, there is a great deal one cangit out of being a teacher. i suppose not all teachers get all that they can out of their profession. some may get very little. but for those who are suited by temperament to be teacher,it is a perfect job.


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