hello, nanjing is my beautiful hometown are very beautiful, i like it very much. the following me introduce nanjing:
my home have four season, spring, summer, fall, and winter. spring is warm and cloudy, spring we can fly a kite and the garden, summer is very hot, the students will put a summer vacation, while this time we can go swimming in swimming, enjoy the cool water. autumn has some cold, nanjing autumn is very unique, the day is short, night is very long. in winter, the next snow flakes, lie prone on the window watched the heavy snow.
nanjing and many scenic spots, such as: zijinshan, xuanwu lake, mochou lake. the scenery here such as ink and wash general, beautiful, still can be in there took a photo. i can also take time young guide to introduce attractions.
my home have four season, spring, summer, fall, and winter. spring is warm and cloudy, spring we can fly a kite and the garden, summer is very hot, the students will put a summer vacation, while this time we can go swimming in swimming, enjoy the cool water. autumn has some cold, nanjing autumn is very unique, the day is short, night is very long. in winter, the next snow flakes, lie prone on the window watched the heavy snow.
nanjing and many scenic spots, such as: zijinshan, xuanwu lake, mochou lake. the scenery here such as ink and wash general, beautiful, still can be in there took a photo. i can also take time young guide to introduce attractions.
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