How to solve problems about he_作文800字
how to solve problems about healthyeverybody knows good health and happiness are important in life. do you know how to solve problems about healthy. here is some of my advice. are you stressed out sometimes? if you’re usually stress. you can listen to music, deep breathing and drink some water. then you can feel better. i think most teachers have a sore throat very often. i have some ideas to keep throat moistly. first, you’d better drink enough water every day. you know, the water is the most natural medicine. second, you should eat hot food less. most hot food is the reason of sore throat. third, you can change your teeth brash each month, there’re many fungus on the teeth brash. someone also can’t sleep sometimes. so, they should early to bed and drink a cup of milk before sleep. it’s important to work and rest orderly. don’t be always hungry although you’re busy. it’s bad for your health. if you learned these suggestions, you’ll be healthy more.
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