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Unit7 At Christmas Period6

时间:2015-04-23 08:43来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
2. 培养学生综合运用语言的能力。
step1:warming up
free talk
1在...前面  in front of..
2晴朗的一天  a sunny day
3打开他们的礼物  open their presents
4今天早上  this morning
5下车  get off
6如此多的礼物   so many presents   
7在公交车的后面 at the back of the bus
8一只漂亮的钱包   a beautiful wallet 
9在圣诞节 at christmas/on christmas day
10不用谢    you’re welcome
11一些茶叶 some tea
12在圣诞树下 under the christmas tree
13写日记   write a diary
14给他的一面镜子 give a mirror to him/ give him a mirror
15杰姆的家人 jim’s family
16喜欢喝茶  like drinking tea
17玩滑板 play with skateboards
18男士旁边的妇女   the woman beside the man
19从...得到了...   get...from...
20在他祖父母家 in his grandparents house
21乘公交车去超市 go to the supermarket by bus
22他们来自于谁?   who are the from?
23他们来自于我的父母亲. they are from my parents.
24它是谁的梳子?   whose comb is it?
它是我的.(两种答法) it’s my comb, it’s mine.
25他们是谁的滑板?  whose skateboards are they?
他们是我们的.  they are our skateboards. they’re ours.
step3 homework:
unit7 at christmas period6 来自第一范文网。

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