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Unit 6 The Story of Rain (A Let’s learn )

时间:2015-04-14 08:59来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
1.了解雨的形成过程。知道rain/ cloud/ vapour/ water之间的必然联系。
3.能运用where does the ______ come from?句型。
step 1 warm-up
2.let’s sing .
step 2 presentation
1.with the pictures and the questions , the teacher presents the words “rain , cloud , vapour, sun , stream” and the sentence “where does the rain come from ?”.
where does the rain come from ?
2.chant .
rain , rain , lovely rain  .
i like the lovely rain .
cloud , cloud , beautiful cloud .
i like the beautiful cloud .
vapour , vapour , white vapour .
i like the white vapour .
sun , sun , warm sun .
i like the warm sun .
stream , stream , pretty stream .
i like the pretty stream .
3.listen and repeat .
4.riddles .
(1)it goes into the river and stream. it goes into the lake and sea . when it comes , you can see people take the umbrellas
(2) sometimes it’s white . sometimes it’s black  .  sometimes it looks like a dog . sometime it looks like a cat .
(3) it’s big . it’s old . it’s red . it’s warm . it’s round . it comes up in the east . and it goes down in the west .
(4) it’s white and light . it comes from the water . when the sun shines , it comes out .
5.fill in the blanks .
6.look at the picture and do pair work :
step 3 consolidation
1.ask and answer.
where does thecome from ?
it comes from the vapour .
    pair work :
a: where does the rain come from ?
b: it comes from the cloud .
apple juice
orange juice
3. know it!
everything in the nature is helpful and necessary (必须的).
they are mutual(彼此的) friends .
let’s love them and protect(保护) them .

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