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6A Unit 2 Ben’s birthday Part C

时间:2015-03-28 09:04来源:网络收集点击:字体:[ ]
教学目的:1.能四会掌握单词:when birthday .2. 能四会掌握句型:“when’s your birthday?” “my birthday’s on the … of ….”3. 比较“what date is it today”与“when’s your birthday?”的回答,注意“on”的含义和用法。教学过程:step 1 organization1. greeting2. sing an english song: the signs in the park(营造英语氛围) step 2 free talking  1. who’s on duty today?     is everyone here today?  2. what day is it today?  3. what date is it today?   (培养学生应用语言的能力。) step 3 revision   play a game(magic eyes):要求学生快速读出多媒体课件上落下的单词,如看到炸弹,则双手抱头卧倒说“bang”, 复习part b中单词。  (以游戏形式复习单词,能增强学生的兴趣,同时为句型教学作准备。) step 4 presentation1.    t出示日历(8月11日):what date is it today?s1: it’s the eleventh of august.t: yes, it’s my birthday.(用教师自己的生日导入新课,给学生一种亲切感。)2.    教学“birthday”1) 听录音----跟读----开火车读----拼写  (“birthday”学生已在平时生活中经常接触,都能理解其含义,本课重点是拼写) 2)make a phrase with “birthday”(例:my birthday……)     (拓展学生思维。)3)出示ben图片,练习“ben’s birthday”,并揭示课题3.t: my birthday is on the eleventh of august.    (慢速反复三次,让学生听清听懂,并板书,要求学生比较:      “what date is it today? it’s the eleventh of august.”与“my birthday is on the eleventh of august”,强调“on”的用法与含义;并与“what time is it? it’s six o’clock.”和“i get up at six o’clock.”中的“at”用法比较,加强记忆。)(与“at”比较,一方面使学生理解为什么要加“on”,另一方面也帮助学生明确“on,in,at”的不同适用场合。)4.t: my birthday is on the eleventh of august.      when is your birth?     (教师慢速反复“when is your birth?”三次,并通过表情让学生理解教师在询问,并猜测问句含义”   5.教学“when is your birth?”1)教学“when”(听录音----跟读----开火车读----拼写)2)教学“when is your birth?”(跟读----开火车读)  6.操练句型:“when is your birth? my birthday is on …… of …….” step 5 consolidation   do a survey:name    birthday    (用调查形式复习句型,学生很感兴趣,也达到了学以致用的目的。) step 6 home works  1. copy the words and sentences:  2.操练句型:

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