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Unit 2 A snack bar

时间:2015-03-23 10:34来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
teaching contents:let’s act.teaching aims:1、知识目标:how to use these words to ask someone to eat something.2、能力目标: can do the action and say the words.3、情感目标:be polite to someone.difficult and key point: can order and act two sentences.teaching aids:1.      some noodles and some soup2.      a cassette player and cassett3.      some picture cards and word cardsteaching procedure:procedurescontentmethodspurposeswarming-up sing an english song pre-taskpreparationreview the words.right or wrong. while-task

have some noodles.have some soup.proceduce

learn new words:pizza,hot dog,biscuit,tea,juice,water一、         ppt(必胜客)1.t:where is it?yes.  what we can eat there?pizza  t--ss2.show the biscuit.what is it?biscuit  t—ssshoe the picture.what is it?hot dog  t—ssthere are three cups on the desk.one student come to the front,drink them,and guess what is it?tea,juice,watert ---ss  t—s1—s2二、         learn : have some noodles.1.      t: it’s noodles. do you like noodles?  p:here you are.have some noodles.then ask the other pupils try to say:  “have some noodles.” if they are hungry t: i’m hungry.  give me some noodles. (ask one pupil to say : have some noodles.)p: have some noodles.have some soup.t—ss (ppt)have some ….(chicken,fish,noodles,…2.      drink some juice.juice  t—ssdrink some juce.drink some water.(ppt)drink some…(water,tea,juice,coke)

post-taskactivitylearn:are you angry?yes,i’m hungry.have some ….三:

are you angry?yes,i’m hungry.have some …thank you.t—ss  t—s1—s2s—tplactice in paris.3.      are you angry?yes,i’m hungry.have some …4.      thank you.t—ss  t—s1—s2s—tplactice in paris. assignment    ask you parents to eat some things.write the new words.  notes

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