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Unit4 Going about 第五课时

时间:2015-03-23 10:33来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
let’ s enjoy (song)
language focus:
1. using nouns to identify different forms of transport.
language skills:
1.  use modeled phrases to communicate with other learners.
tape. recorder. a muppet.
i.   pre-task preparation:
1. hold up a muppet and say:
hello, good morning. everyday i take a bus to school. i go to the bus stop to wait for the bus
2. sketch a bus stop on the board and make the muppet walk to the bus stop. ask:
do you have to wait for a bus/car/van?
3. show pictures of a bus stop and train station. explain to the students the difference between the both.
repeat then times and let the students imitate you.
ii.while-task procedure:
1. refer to each picture of student’s book at page 21. ask questions
who can you see?
where are they?
what are they waiting for?
2.  play the cassette tape once for the students to listen to the lyric of the song.
3.  read the first verse line by line for the students to follow until they are familiar with the words. then go through the second and third verse in the same way.
4.  play the tape again and show the picture of the relevant type of the transport a the appropriate time. draw students attention to the sounds at the end of each cerse.
5.  invite students to sing along with the tape.
6.  encourage then to imitate the sound of each type of transport.
iii.     post-task activity:
invite some groups to mime each part of the song in front of the class while the tape is being played. students can take different roles
eg: bus driver, the van driver

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