- 废物的回收利用(Recycling Waste)
- 永葆青春的秘诀(Secret of Staying Young
- 现代科技使生活更加便捷(Modern Technolo
- 第一次乘飞机(My First Flight)
- 电流和水流(The Flow of Electricity and
- 公告(NOTICE)
- 上大学的费用(tuition and fees)
- 了解校园外面的世界(Getting to Know the
- 金钱是幸福之本?(source of happiness)
- 家庭与个人发展的关系(Family and Person
- 压力过重是否有害健康(More Academic Pre
- 如何面对困难(How to Face up to Your Di
- 太空是否值得探索(Is Outer Space Worth
- 雷锋精神是否过时(Is the Spirit of Lei
- 帮助灾民(Help the Victims of Natural C
- 拥有私车的利弊(The Pros and Cons of Ow
- 传媒的作用(The Function of Mass Media)
- 工作与家庭,哪个更重要?(Career or Fami
- 拯救动物(Saving animals)
- 中国的旅游产业(Tourism in China)
- 收入差距(Income Gap)
- 盗版问题(Heavy Traffic)
- 人类破环了环境(Human destruction of th
- 看电影是不是比阅读小说更愉快?(Is readi
- 批判公共场所不文明现象(Immoral Behavio
- 人生感言(Reflections of life)
- 读书的价值(The Value of Reading Books)
- 当教师的第一天(My First Day of Teachin
- 一个幸福的家庭(A Happy Family)
- 我的住所(My Flat)
- 我们的侦查员(Our Monitor)
- 暑假我在家乡的一天(Summer day in my ho
- 我的健康习惯(My health habits)
- 有益的人(To Be A Helpful Man)
- 发表声明(Make An Announcement)
- 钱可以买到幸福吗?(Can money buy happin
- 我国的互联网(Internet In china)
- 更多的交谈能学好英语(To Learn English
- 让你了解校园外面的世界(Getting to Know
- 莫扎特的第一次演奏(Mozarts First Recit
- 逃课(Cutting the Class)
- 路遇(Meeting on the Road)
- 精装的爱(Books and Appearance)
- 邀友游杭州(Inviting a Friend to Make a
- 雷锋短暂的一生(Lei Fengs Short Life)
- 欢迎美国教师来校访问(A Group of Americ
- 感谢对我的欢迎(Thanks for Giving Onese
- 写信给报社编辑(A Letter to a Newspaper
- 建设中的学生住宿(The Construction of S
- 写信给朋友(A Letter to a Friend)
- 求职信(A Letter of an Application)
- 回信(A Letter of Reply)
- 大学生的收入来源(Income Sources of Col
- 电影让位电视(Film Is Giving Way to TV)
- 外国人在中国旅行(Foreigners Travel in
- 难道这就是缓解学生负担的途径(Is This t
- 高校敞开大门(Colleges Open Their Doors
- 致同学(A Letter to a Schoolmate)
- 如何成功的面试?(How to Succeed in a Jo
- 我喜欢奥秘(I like the subtle)
- 巧妙的情书(An Ingenious Love Letter)
- 自由飞行的风(Free to fly with the wind
- 保持关系(Relationship that Lasts)
- 兄弟的奇迹(A Brother’s Miracle)
- 我没有著作权(I Never Write Right)
- 狼和七个孩子(The Wolf and the Seven Li
- 小鸟为你带来快乐(A Sandpiper To Bring
- 严格的交通法可以防止意外(stricter traf
- 露营是理想的度假方式(Camping vacation
- 选择大城市(Select large cities)
- 旅游有助于国家之间了解(The tourism ind
- 奖励应该根据能力(rewarded should be ac
- 图书戏剧和电影应该审查(Books plays and
- 应试教育(Exam-oriented education)
- 徒步旅行(Trekking trip)
- 童年是最幸福的(childhood is the most h
- 应该取消所有国家的义务兵(Compulsory mi
- 赚取更多钱的人(earn more money the Peo
- 晶体管收音机应禁止在公共场所(Transisto