春雨很冷-Reading the Cold Rain in Early Spri.(2)
Day breaks. Being alone, I feel I have lost my love, as well as the sweet experience on the cold rainy night. All I have is a lasting memory.
There is always a circle which starts where it ends. All disappears but the memory...
简 评
本文寓情于景,是一篇优美的抒情散文。描写了清明之夜的一场雨,表达了自己对自然界万物的热爱。综观全文,作者运用了拟人的修辞手法,用代词she来指代雨,雨声则是一首优雅的歌,在轻轻地呼唤着“我”的名字。作者还在多处运用了比喻的修辞手法,如The rain triggered off ripples lnmyheart;sprinkling littlediamonds ln the sky;the cleaned air with a fresh smell,as pure as water,aselegantas white lily等。但也有一些比喻是否恰当
有待推敲,如把天空比做一面镜子,以及h seemed that water would come out if you touched it.这一意境只能从中文角度来理解。
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