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时间:2014-10-23 09:48来源:乐学堂点击:字体:[ ]

    One day there is a student who was isolated for infectious disease. We and our teachers are concerting about his situation. But he must be isolated from us for relivesing measure.
    In this important period, we telephoned to him, we also told him that he had a good rest time. we suggested that he call up his friends who were not kept in touch because of burden study and read some books which he enjoys but have no time to read .At last we told him that he must get over this fell .
    I think we should love each other .when somebody needs help we should lend our one hand to him.
(2)第二段语句衔接不自然,句式重复,且长句组织起来显得有点凌乱,语法错误相当多。在原文基础上修改如下:"In this important period, we telephoned him, and told him to have a good rest.Besides, we advised him to call up his friends who were not kept in touch because of burdensome study ,on the other hand, to read some books which he enjoyed but had no time to read. At last we told him that he must overcome this ill."


