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改变一生的邂逅(The encounter changed his life)(2)

时间:2013-02-24 10:04来源:作文辅导点击:字体:[ ]

  "number two is to learn how to read, my boy. for there is only one thing that people can t take away from you, and that is your wisdom. " at that moment, he reached forward, grabbed my right hand in his and put them upon the books he'd pulled from the shelves. they were the writings of plato and aristotle-immortal classics from ancient times.

  the bum then led me back past the smiling old woman near the entrance, down the steps and back on the streets near where we first met. his parting request was for me to never forget what he taught me.


改变一生的邂逅(The encounter changed his life)(2)一文由作文大全免费提供,本站为公益性网站,此作文为网上收集或网友提供,版权归原作者所有,如果侵犯了您的权益,请及时与我们联系,我们会立即删除!
