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  • 日期:2011-10-27 10:51
  • 来源: E度社区
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Do keep your high school friends, and stay connected to them,butdo not use them as substitutes for college friendship, and donotspend too much time with them, because that would eat intoyourtime to make new friends.


Start planning for your summers early – what would you like todo?Where would you like to live? What would you like to learn?Whathave you learned in college that might change your mind? Ithinkyour plan of studying fashion is good, and you should decidewhereyou want to be, and get into the right courses. We of coursehopeyou come back to Beijing, but you should go where you think isbestfor you.


Whether it is summer-planning, or coursework planning, orpickinga major, or managing your time, you should take control ofyourlife. In the past, I have helped you quite a bit, whether it isincollege application, designing your extracurricular activities,orpicking the initial coursework. I will always be there for you,butthe time has come for you to be in the driver’s seat – this isyourlife, and you need to be in control. I will always remrtheexhilarating feeling in my life – that I got to decide toskipkindergarten, that I got to decide to change to computersciencemajor, that I got to decide to leave academia for , that Igot todecide to go to China, that I got to decide to go to Google,andmost recently, that I got to decide to start my own business.Beingable to decide means you get to live the life that you wantto.Life is too short to live the life others do or others wantyou.Being in control feels great. Try it, and you’ll love it!


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