

  • 日期:2012-09-15 09:39
  • 来源: 学习计划
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  1. I knew all the answers,I just didn't have enough time.我知道所有的答案,只是时间不够而已。

  2. I was too careless!/ I was too nervous!我太粗心了!/我太紧张了!

  3. Damn!I answered the questions in the wrong order.可恶!我把答案的顺序弄错了!

  4. I could have done better if I was more careful.如果我小心一点,就会考得更好。

  5. Believe it or not,I didn't study at all!信不信由你,我根本没念!

  6. There was too much noise outside the classroom. I just couldn't concentrate when I was doing the test.  教室外面太吵了,考试时我根本没办法专心。

  7. I studied the wrong chapters.我读错章节了。

  8. I did poorly on the test because I was sick.我是因为生病所以才考不好。

  9. I was late for the test.我考试迟到。

  10. I was over-confident.我太过自信了。


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